Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Sunday morning, treated myself to some fresh French Press coffee and Anthology

My newest piece from work! Painting by Anna Polle (2006)

Hibiscus Margarita from my favorite restaurant right now, Little Baobab (19th and Mission)

Sunday turned into funday-with beers after dinner at Kilowatt's. We ran into more friends than expected but much appreciated

Last Sunday was a day that I really need to keep in my memory book. I spent most of it being comfortable with myself, alone in my apartment and curling up in my bed with coffee and a book.  I saw my love for a bit and went to dinner with my girlfriends. I want remember days like this because I was happy while being by myself and comfortable with friends in a restaurant setting. If I were still sick, none of this would be possible. Everyday is a reminder that staying focused on my recovery gives me positive results; like making memories with friends and enjoying delicious food!

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