Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sriracha Sauce

Okay, so we all know that Sriracha is amazing.

Lately, I have been mixing it in my mayo for sandwiches and now I feel like I can just die and go to heaven! I've been putting Sriracha on the typical things like curries, stir fry, sushi, etc, but I never though about using it until I made these Vietnamese sandwiches with my boyfriend. I'm not making Vietnamese sandwiches everyday, but I do make sandwiches often and Sriracha is now my new favorite ingredient. I can't get enough! Obviously, I'm food obsessing because I'm actually writing a blog post about this.....

That being said, you should buy a Sriracha pin my friend made from shrinky dinks! It's on her etsy. They are super cute and I get a compliment every time I wear mine.
And I didn't realize this until now, but Sriracha has it's own board on Pinterest. Actually, there are many! Sriracha Pinterest

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekend in Pac Heights

the most serious dog you will meet

spent the afternoon in since we were close by

japantown bookstore

we found a little egg on the street

view from the pacific heights high rise apartment in the afternoon

view from the pacific heights high rise apartment at dusk

well i'm glad i spent my last weekend of winter vacation with my boyfriend in a nice and clean apartment in a different neighborhood. i love dog sitting with him because it always feels like a mini-vacation. it's also kind of nice to see what it would be like if we lived together. the option feels like it's sounding more serious :)

ugh, back to school tomorrow, though. my first class is at 8am tomorrow morning. i haven't had a class that early since high school so this is going to be a challenge. i also need to class an asian art history class so that i don't have to take another evening course. but the nice thing is that once i finish this semester, i'll almost be done with college!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Very excited about my birthday gift from my friend Dana. She got me a coloring book zine filled with contemporary artists from all around the world. It's called "Between The Lines" by a non-profit art organization, RxArt.

Their mission statement is interesting and very inspiriting to me. Basically, RxArt was created to provide original art for people in in-patient, procedure, examination rooms in hospitals. Their mission is to improve those environments/ situations through contemporary art and to "promote healing and inspire hope to patients, families and staff".

Well I thought Girls Boom Box was the first to think of a coloring book zine, but I'm actually glad this zine exists through a non-profit organization. I myself have spent lots of time in outpatient and in-patient hospitals during my treatment and something like this (or any art in general) would have definitely cheered me up. Anyways, Thank you Dana and I can't wait to color in my new zine!

Here is a link to the zine if you want to order it. I have volume 3, but there are more.
PS, It also comes with stickers ;)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Girls Boom Box

Girls Boom Box (GBB) started a group tumblr!
Please follow us for silly, "girly" posts on art, music, movies, gifs, fashion and lots of sass ;)

Also, our GBB coloring book zine is almost finished, can't wait! Some of our lady friends will probably be selling them on Etsy once they are all bound up and ready to sell, so stay tuned. 

“I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled.” — Amy Poehler

Bike to work!

So the weather in San Francisco was finally warm this weekend. And yesterday. Enjoyed riding my bike to work without feeling like my fingers were going to freeze over.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Wednesday Morning

It really is the best part of waking up (especially when you have this badass coffee mug)

My room gets amazing light on sunny mornings. This picture does NO justice.

Work this week is going well, except for feeling sick on Monday. I had a meeting with my bosses and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. It was mostly about my schedule for fall and new responsibilities at the gallery. I'm really excited about the new collections we have coming up and being in charge of the social networking stuff (Pinterest and Facebook). 

The weather is finally warming up, which is why I posed a few photos of Wednesday morning. It was just too beautiful in the morning and I wish I had more time to take pictures of it. Still very cold at night though.

My boyfriend has reminded me to go over some of the work I did in treatment at UCSD. I looked through my DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) from treatment and realized I don't practice a lot of the techniques I learned. They helped me a lot during therapy and the early stages of my recovery. I need to get back into it!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My Pinterest Boards

Follow me and the gallery I work at on Pinterest!


Sunday morning, treated myself to some fresh French Press coffee and Anthology

My newest piece from work! Painting by Anna Polle (2006)

Hibiscus Margarita from my favorite restaurant right now, Little Baobab (19th and Mission)

Sunday turned into funday-with beers after dinner at Kilowatt's. We ran into more friends than expected but much appreciated

Last Sunday was a day that I really need to keep in my memory book. I spent most of it being comfortable with myself, alone in my apartment and curling up in my bed with coffee and a book.  I saw my love for a bit and went to dinner with my girlfriends. I want remember days like this because I was happy while being by myself and comfortable with friends in a restaurant setting. If I were still sick, none of this would be possible. Everyday is a reminder that staying focused on my recovery gives me positive results; like making memories with friends and enjoying delicious food!