Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines show

Last nights V-Day art show was a success! The gallery was filled with love and friendship and art. We sold some great pieces and made some good contacts. I also almost cried when my boss gave a speech and thanked his partner of 15+ years. I'm just sad that I didn't take any photos of the night, mmmmpf.

We all know the best part of art shows ( besides the art) is the free booze, so my boss made a super tasty cocktail for our guests. We called it "Mendocino Moonshine" and it had...

3 parts Ginger Ale
1 part Whiskey
5 parts Champagne
Bitters to taste
Lime concentrate
Mint leaves and orange zest for garnish.

*this cocktail recipe was made for 40-50 people so adjust to the size of your party ;)

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