Thursday, February 21, 2013

hump day--a photo an hour

So taking a photo per hour just for 12 hours was totally a challenge, and kind of exhausting. But I'm also happy with the results because now I can see how productive my Wednesday actually was. MWF are my days at school and I'm usually there by 7:45 am so my time there usually feels like a blur. I found that taking a picture while I was there helped me remember my day (and also made me feel like a freak whose attached to their phone).  Should I make this a weekly ritual? It was kind of fun but time consuming and I have midterms soon!

Some things not photographed: My random trip to Philz Coffee (waist of time and money), the beautiful blooming cherry blossom trees in the Mission, the 2nd round of beers during happy hour, and the cutie pie dog that my boyfriend is dog sitting right now. 

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