Thursday, February 28, 2013


Wow! This week was so busy and stressful. I'm not even in my midterm period at school yet and I have been doing so much studying lately. I had my first biology exam on Wednesday. It was probably my first bio test since high school, so I kind of freaked out.

We have also been working on a lot of projects at the gallery. Since the new year, I have been multitasking to the max on several artist collections, new PR responsibilities and the usual art gallery tasks. By the time I get home from work, I'm pooped. The only thing that keeps me going is coffee (obviously), working on personal art projects and being soooo close to graduating. I'm sure my friends who are already doing the 9-5 work thing would roll their eyes when I say...I can't wait to be done with school and working full time!

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of fun coloring in my GBB coloring book zine, drawing things for the next zine and I just started a Mondrian tribute project! I'm working on a collage that is inspired by Mondrian's "Composition C"and the various "composition" pieces. My boss actually did a few versions himself! They will probably be on my Pinterest soon!

Some cool Mondrian tributes:

PS, has anyone tried the Mondrian cake the the SF MOMA? I want to!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

hump day--a photo an hour

So taking a photo per hour just for 12 hours was totally a challenge, and kind of exhausting. But I'm also happy with the results because now I can see how productive my Wednesday actually was. MWF are my days at school and I'm usually there by 7:45 am so my time there usually feels like a blur. I found that taking a picture while I was there helped me remember my day (and also made me feel like a freak whose attached to their phone).  Should I make this a weekly ritual? It was kind of fun but time consuming and I have midterms soon!

Some things not photographed: My random trip to Philz Coffee (waist of time and money), the beautiful blooming cherry blossom trees in the Mission, the 2nd round of beers during happy hour, and the cutie pie dog that my boyfriend is dog sitting right now. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Yolanda Sanchez

She Likes to Party, 2012

Midsummer Magic, 2012

Azul #6, 2012

YOLANDA SÁNCHEZ was born in Havana, Cuba and emigrated to the United States in 1960. She obtained a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1979, and has practiced and taught psychology at the graduate level for over 30 years. Prompted by a personal crisis in her mid-thirties, Yolanda decided to give voice to her creativity and returned to school, obtaining a BFA and subsequently, an MFA from Yale University in painting. While at Yale, she studied with the British painter, John Walker, who became a mentor, and with Andrew Forge and David Pease, among others. Yolanda is a Fulbright scholar, completing her fellowship as a painter in Spain after she graduated from Yale. Her Fulbright project focused on four Spanish painters: El Greco, Goya, Miró and the abstract painter, Tàpies.  (bio from The Schoolhouse Gallery)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Dong Kingman

Untitled, 1940

Friday Afternoon in San Francisco Bay

Dong Kingman (1911-2000) was a Chinese American artist, born in Oakland, and one of America's leading watercolor masters. As a painter on the forefront of the California Style School of painting, he was known for his urban and landscape paintings, especially his San Francisco scenes. He has won widespread critical acclaim and his works are included in over 50 public and private collections worldwide, including Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Brooklyn Museum; deYoung Museum and Art Institute, Chicago. His style favors the everyday and universality.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentines show

Last nights V-Day art show was a success! The gallery was filled with love and friendship and art. We sold some great pieces and made some good contacts. I also almost cried when my boss gave a speech and thanked his partner of 15+ years. I'm just sad that I didn't take any photos of the night, mmmmpf.

We all know the best part of art shows ( besides the art) is the free booze, so my boss made a super tasty cocktail for our guests. We called it "Mendocino Moonshine" and it had...

3 parts Ginger Ale
1 part Whiskey
5 parts Champagne
Bitters to taste
Lime concentrate
Mint leaves and orange zest for garnish.

*this cocktail recipe was made for 40-50 people so adjust to the size of your party ;)

Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm still hungry.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blogs that I am currently reading:

I Love Coffee - A blog about my one true love, coffee. Favorite part about this blog, weekly pics of cute latte art!

Bleubird Blog - My inspiration for getting back into blogging and taking pictures of my everyday life. She also has the worlds cutest children and she's a pretty talented photographer.

Tattoo Artist Magazine - Very up to date reviews and articles on the best artists in the world, art shows and conventions, music, and issues within the tattoo community. And food? Written by professional artists and technically...for tattooers.

Simply Breakfast - A breakfast blog with beautiful photos that make me actually want to eat breakfast!

Eating Disorder Hope - More of a resource I use when I'm struggling, or when others come to me seeking help. Lots of posts that remind me of why I wanted to get healthy in the first place and how to stay motivated when times are tough. Ed Bites is also a good resource.

Girls Boom Box - No explanation necessary.


Honestly, I can't remember the last time I went to Chinatown in San Francisco. I have an assignment for my Asian American Art class that requires me to write about the changes that Chinatown experienced from the 1920s to now. are some pictures of my visit. I wont bore you with the essay.
"China Gate"

This is not Chinatown, just a cute (empty) cafe in an alley, downtown.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A few from last week

 Finally finished reading you!

 Dolores Park, San Francisco

Cute couple caught on camera!